What have you done with your SCRAPS lately??

Good Times Scraps- Before

Well if you are like me- not a whole lot!! Usually these extra bits of paper packs and stickers get relinquished to the scrap basket – never to be seen again- duh, duh, duhhh!!!!
This week I challenged myself to use these scraps in new ways to create some super-cute cards and bookmarks. The first thing I did was organize my scraps- I sorted them into their original packs and placed these in a bag with the stickers that I had leftover from those same paperpacks (if I had only left them that way to begin with!).
Then I grabbed a bag and decided I would create with it until I could create no more- AND I could not pull any other paper from any full sheets- this meant that even my card bases had to be found within the scrap bag. I also decided not to use any stamping – I had a lot of stickers left and really wanted to use them up and get my moneys worth!!
Good Times Scraps- After!!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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