Vellum Layout

CTMH has a new Idea book coming out August 1st (and I cannot wait)!! I leave in two weeks to partake of the unveiling of new products and all the excitement that goes along with it (and I will share once I return JUST how fun convention is).

I can say that I am going to make a prediction.  This one is based on our recent Free to be Me special for customers (it was a good one and the paper was yummy!).  My prediction (and secret hope) is that our new book will see vellum in it.  I have missed it and have noticed it featured more and more in paper crafting magazines, etc.  I know that in the past when CTMH brings something out in a monthly special it is often because they are testing how that item will do.  I think this item did well enough …. fingers crossed!

advisory vellum page

To create this layout I used a full piece of vellum as the base of my page and then layered pieces on it from there.  My favourite part is the polaroid frames along the bottom- they turned out really nice (and were cut out using my CTMH cricut art booking).

What would you like to see in our new Idea Book?  This one will be an annual book so think all four seasons!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er