Studio J- Making the Most of it!

It is no surprise that I LOVE Studio J!
These layouts are very FSE! Faster, Simpler and Easier!
They suit the person who is busy and just wants their photos to be displayed and remembered off the hard drive.
They suit the person who really wants to feel like they are developing their own personal layout.
They suit the ‘techy’ teen.

They suit EVERYONE!!

The above layout is an example of an ‘Express Collection’ layout- all the accessories, papers, stitching have been done for you! All you do is add your photos and journaling! EASY!

This above layout called ‘Digging up Bones’ is one that I created myself- I chose the pattern, the paper and added stickers and accessories as I liked! I even changed the papers around so that I would get a feel that reflected a museum! 
I love that in Studio J I can take risks in creating my layouts- anything I do that I don’t like can be undone with the click of the undo button!

This country one is another favourite- mostly for the memory that it evokes! My sweet kids playing around with a stick horse that my daughter received for Christmas. They were having lots of fun and really getting into it- it actually went on for days with my daughter going around the house saying ‘Yee-haw’ in her sweet little baby voice! Pictures and memories can only live off a hard drive- don’t let your babies grow up to be JPEGS!!! Contact me today or visit to get started on Studio J!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er