Every catalogue release my fabulous upline, Sarah Boddington, and myself hold a team stamp camp- these are open to consultants in our downline and their friends. This past May we decided to incorporate what had been a day long event into a weekend retreat! We had such a great time- in all we had about 40 ladies attend- we scrapbooked, learned techniques, created make and takes, entered contests and attended the awards ceremony. Above is a picture of our lovely groupof ladies (most of whom were customers- and a few of them have now become consultants!)
By far though the best part was that our weekend stamp camp not only enriched all of our lives, BUT we enriched the lives of others- everyone in attendance made donations to Operation Smile through a variety of ways- by the time everything was done we had raised enough money for SIX new smiles!! We even had one lady anonymously donate enough for one smile surgery! Thanks to all who came and participated- feel free to check out what Operation Smile is at http://www.operationsmile.org/
Below is a picture of one of the children helped through this very generous charity!!
If you are curious about being a consultant contact me for details or visit my website at http://braemontgomery.myctmh.com and click on opportunities!
Until we craft again, The Brae-er
How Awesome to have fun and change 6 children’s lives forever. God Bless You and your stamp camp.