Have you ever considered submitting your artwork to a national publication?? Wouldn’t it be great to see your stuff on the pages of one of your magazines?? Many times we forget that this option is open to us OR we think that our work is not good enough– well I say take the chance! get it out there- you may surprise yourself!!
These are some pieces that I submitted for two different magazines yesterday. The two scrapbook pages were submitted to Canadian Scrapbooker magazine at http://www.canadianscrapbooker.ca/ – they were looking for a wide variety of things but these were to fit the theme of calendar layout and rink or dreams layout.
The above card and the card that I posted yesterday were submitted to Paper Crafts Magazine at http://www.papercraftsmag.com/ – they are looking for papercrafts featuring trees and BLING!!
Look through what you have made- maybe you already have one that fits one of these categories- take a picture and send it in!! If you get published I would love to know!!
Until we craft again, The Brae-er