“Own it” – Challenge to myself!!

Okay- so I like many women today, am greatly displeased with my body!! I would love it if I just looked and felt better. I am still at a spot though that I can turn this around before it gets much worse and yesterday I finally made the step to do just that.

My mother bought an exercise program called P90X- (you may have seen it on TV) and she never used it beyond day one. It is a series of DVDs that have you doing different workouts everyday for 90 days to a set program (there is one for women who just want to get lean- not all bulky with muscles). It seems to be a very intesnse program- I am on day two and feel the BURN!! (secretly I am thrilled with the burn but later when my arms no longer move I may be less thrilled!!). This is not a plug for the program- just a description of what I am using.

You may be wondering at this point how this fits into my blog- since it is a blog all about my CTMH life!!?? Well, I am set to go to leadership at the end of July and would love to go looking FABULOUS!! Really- who wouldn’t? Leadership is fantastic and I have a great time every year with all the great business and creative classes, seeing old friends, making new friends and checking out the sites at our location- this year it is in LONG BEACH!! This year though I thought I would try my hand at some of the artwork contests- this for me is a little daunting as I have only entered three CTMH contests before and never even got a runner up spot 🙁
One of the contests for this years leadership is to create two-page layout that represents the leadership theme of “Own it”- this can be done in any way that I interpret the theme.

I reflected on this for a long time and decided that the only thing that it really truly reflected on was the fact that I do not even “own” my own body- right now it is owned by the fast food restaurants and Lays potato chips!! So, I am taking back control and in doing this I will also be creating what I hope is a great theme for the layout that I will eventually create— and even if it does not win that will be okay because I will have conquered something far more important!!

Wish me luck!!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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