Hinged Display Tray Blog Hop: Cross Canada

Welcome to our March Blog Hop featuring our Hinged Display Tray.  If you have come from Michelle at Twirl n Time then you are traveling across Canada!  This Display Tray is a 5″x7″ fold out wooden tray with divided sections. It can be found on page 125 of the 2013 Spring/Summer Idea Book for $18.95. You can purchase one from my website at http://ctmh.com/braemontgomery 

 We hope that you will take the time to leave comments on our posts, as we love to get feedback from our viewers….whether it was something that you really liked or some new technique that was used that you would like to learn how to do….by leaving us comments, we get to hear what you like, and what you want to see. Thank you… now on to our hop!
For my tray I used the For Always paper, part of the For Always Assortment and a piece of our black glitter paper.  I also cut up one of the zip strips to make the quote on my frame.  The heart, background to the flower and the letter ‘u’ are all cut using out CTMH Art Philosophy cricut cartridge- all things you can buy direct from my website!

Now if you would like to WIN one of these trays then be sure to visit Jeanette Lynton’s blog (she is the founder and CEO of CTMH)- she is hosting a giveaway at this link: http://www.jeanettelynton.com/2013/03/come-unhinged.html

Your next stop on this Cross Canada Hop is my good friend Carol!

Until we craft again, The Brae-er

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