I was super-excited today to receive this award from sweet Helen- we met on the Mediterranean Cruise with CTMH last fall!
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I certainly do not know that many new bloggers but I will do my best:
Christina http://christinathesassyscrapper.blogspot.com/ I recently discovered her blog and have found some great inspiration there!
Tresa http://www.fabulouslyartsy.blogspot.com/ I love the variety and her very cute and funny video tutorials!!
Jamie http://ahappyscrappyplace.blogspot.com/ I found her gorgeous blog through surfing other ladies blogs.
Sarah http://sarahspapertray.blogspot.com/ lots of neat things that she has created- I love the variety.
Laurel http://want2scrap.blogspot.com/ just an all out gorgeous blog!!
Sadly that taps me out- I know that I am missing some more newly discovered blogs that deserve this award but I have yet to discover them!!
Until we craft again, The Brae-er
Awwww shucks, thanks so much!!! 🙂
Thank-you soooo much for the award…you are too sweet:)
Aw, thank you! Right back at you!