Family Friday: Montgomery’s on the Move


I am DELIGHTED to share that we are on the move… after a year and a half of trying to sell our cute little house we have finally been successful and were able to land the house of our dreams (pictured below!).  We wanted this house for as long as ours has been for sale and thought many times that we were going to lose it but in the end everything worked out!

I am excited for the move (especially since we only have a month to get it all done and with two busy kids that is not going to be easy!).

I am also excited for new memories to be made, my new craft room (a dedicated room with a door!) and space to host workshops and team meetings once again!

October 30th cannot come soon enough!


Until we craft again, The Brae-er

2 thoughts on “Family Friday: Montgomery’s on the Move

  1. Catharine Akinson

    Congrats Brae and family on your upcoming move….so happy for you that everything worked out in the long run….meant to be !!!!

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