What are your dreams? for you and your family?
new car?
family vacation?
freedom from debt?
a new home?
This month your dreams can become a reality- did you know that the different between where most people are at and where they want to be is only about $300 a month?? Doesn’t sound like much does it!
Did you know that with Close to my Heart you can earn that and start to achieve your dreams!!
This is the month! During the month of March not only can you get our fabulous consultant kit at a great price BUT you will also receive four exclusive stamp sets with your kit!!
Do the Math!!
Our Consultant kit is $115 and you receive $360 in product
4 FREE stamps sets is worth $107
that equals over $460 in product for only $115 PLUS you will become your own boss, work the hours you set, receive GREAT training AND begin to realize your DREAMS!!
Check out our basic kit and add-ons (they are great if one of your dreams is more product as all kit product is at a 60% discount)!
Contact me for details!! or to sign up click here!
Must live in Canada- email me at braemontgomery@myctmh.com
Until we craft again, The Brae-er
nice job! waiting for your new artical. ........................................