My CTMH family

Last month I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with my CTMH family.  Some of the corporate staff came to Canada and did a tour of different cities while hosting an event called Rediscover. This event was for consultants only and was a way to get in touch with why they joined, get motivated and get inspired!!

Since my team spreads across Canada I decided that I needed to be present at the Rediscover events where I had the most team members- that meant Halifax and Toronto (although I would have liked to have kept going across Canada to be at all since I had a team member or two at each event).  It was a whirlwind but so AMAZING! I loved meeting in person some of my team and getting a chance to know them even a little bit more!

Here is my CTMH Halifax family (not all my East coast peeps made it of course but we had a great turnout!)

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Here is my Toronto crew- yes the largest part of my team is in Ontario and almost 100 of us were at this event. As it was a sold out event I felt a little bad for the 35 or so consultants present that were not Brae-er Team members.

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This is me and Sheri- a year ago I barely knew her and she was not part of my team. Around August she decided that she wanted to be part of what I had going on and asked for her team to join mine- at the time she had no upline so this was allowed.  To say I have been blessed since she has joined me would be an understatement- her energy and enthusiasm and sheer excitement to be part of my team has been inspiring and I think I have gotten the most out of this relationship (although I know she would argue the point).

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This is the sweet gift Sheri gave me to thank me for this past year- I am really so lucky!!! And she is just one of over 400 women on my team… each as inspiring to me as the next. I really, truly LOVE what I do!!!

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Until we craft again, The Brae-er